Welcome to my portfolio!

Derrick Bills • Full Stack Developer


Full Stack Developer

Based in

Eagle Mountain, UT

Seeking opportunities in the Austin TX, &
Salt Lake City UT, areas.

Full Stack Web Developer

This is a Full Stack Web Application built with Laravel, InertiaJS, React, and TailwindCSS. The application demonstrates the integration and use of multiple UI libraries within a single project, showcasing the power and flexibility of combining these technologies to create a cohesive and dynamic user experience. Additionally, it includes a DevOps pipeline using DigitalOcean with an Nginx Ubuntu server and Forge as the deployment tool, ensuring seamless and efficient deployment and management of the application.

I’m Derrick Bills, a dedicated and skilled Full Stack Developer specializing in React, Laravel, MySQL and NODE, based in Eagle Mountain, UT with interest in opportunities in the Salt Lake City area and/or Relocating to Austin, TX. With 2 years of experience in Full Stack Web Application Development, I am passionate about building robust and dynamic web applications that deliver seamless user experiences.

